Rhododendrons in bloom: ‘Roseum Elegans’ in front, a sweep of red-flowered ‘Nova Zembla’ in the background
Opening Dates and Times
The Birchwood opens to the public Friday through Thursday, June 7 through 13, when its sweeps of nearly 700 large-leaf rhododendrons will be blooming.
The garden will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on all 7 days.
It will be described by 24 signs posted along its half-mile of paths.
The event benefits the Friends of the Montgomery Town Library. Admission is $7 per person; children 12 and under will be admitted without charge.
Because plants along the paths can be easily damaged, dogs and other pets cannot be admitted.
The Birchwood is not wheelchair accessible, but most of its paths are level, and the others are gently graded.
For a description of scenic approaches to the garden and a list of area restaurants, see Visiting the Birchwood and the Montgomery-Jay Peak Area.