Masses of Catawba rhododendrons fill Evergreen’s mature pine forest
New Hampshire Gardens: Central/Southern Region
Please e-mail listings, preferably in the format below, to: [email protected].
Daily, YEAR ROUND, dawn to dusk
Maple Hill Gardens
117 Ridge Road, Hollis
13 “theme” gardens, both formal and informal, with more than 350 shade-tolerant or sun-loving species, mainly perennials, planted around the Beaver Brook Association’s headquarters buildings. Free.
Daily, YEAR ROUND, 10-5, April-December; 10-4, January-March
Pickity Place
248 Nutting Hill Road, Mason
An adorable 18th-century Cape surrounded by vast, well-established garden beds, mainly perennials and herbs. The herbs are served in the restaurant’s 5-course lunches.
Daily, MAY 1-NOVEMBER 1, dawn to dusk
Kirkwood Gardens
Route 3, just north of Route 113, Holderness
Informal 1-acre garden, now owned by the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, with graceful plantings of both sun-loving and shade-tolerant annuals, perennials, and shrubs; plus fountains, sculpture, and signs describing the plants. Free.
Friday-Sunday, JUNE 6-8, 10-5
42 Summer Street, Goffstown
The one-acre woodland garden’s annual public opening is always on the first weekend in June, when its sweeps of 220 Catawba rhododendrons are at or near peak bloom. Free. 603-497-8020www.evergreenfoundationnh.org