Photo by Eileen Oktavec
The White Room
- A visitors’ bathroom is in the Garden Cottage, next to the Visitor Reception & Exhibit Area.
- Light refreshments are served in the Visitor Reception & Exhibit Area.
Evergreen does not serve meals, but there are nearly a dozen restaurants in and around Goffstown Village.
Sawyer’s, 13 Main Street, 603-497-2996, serves breakfast.
Open for breakfast and lunch are:
- Apotheca Flower and Tea Shoppe, located in a former 19th century railroad depot at 24C Main Street, 603-497-4940; www.apothecaflowershoppe.com;
- Northeast Café, in an old mill on the Piscataquog River in New Boston—about 7 miles south of Goffstown on Route 13, 603-487-3930; www.northeastcafe.com.
- The Sweet Spot Bakery & Cafe, about 2 miles north of the Village on Route 114, 603-529-6667; www.thesweetspotnh.com;
Open for lunch and dinner:
- China Gourmet, 25 Main Street, 603-497-3631; www.chinagourmet.biz;
- Drumlins Restaurant, Stonebridge Country Club, which has a view of the Uncanoonuc Mountains, 16 Gorham Pond Road, 603-497-8633; www.golfstonebridgecc.com;
- Putnam’s Waterview Restaurant, 40 Main Street, 603-497-4106; www.putnamswaterview.com;
- Riverside Grille, Route 13 south, 603-384-2149;
- Village Trestle, 25 Main Street, 603-497-8230; www.villagetrestle.com.
- Weeks Pizza, 23 Main Street, 603-497-8211; www.weekspizza.com;