Sweeps of ‘Roseum Elegans’ rhododendrons in The Birchwood, in Montgomery Center
Vermont Gardens
Please e-mail listings, preferably in the format below, to: [email protected].
Daily, YEAR ROUND, dawn to dusk
Shelburne Farms
1611 Harbor Road, Shelburne
Gilded Age estate of the Webb family, now a large non-profit working farm and opulent inn and restaurant with restored formal gardens: symmetrical terraces, supported by elegant balustraded brick and stone walls, on a slope on the edge of Lake Champlain. The long, narrow terraces are planted with neat groups of (mainly) perennials. Like a villa on Lake Como, the view from the lawn above the terraces is an extraordinary use of “borrowed” lake-and-mountain scenery. A long balustrade is the base of a stunning view: a vast expanse of the region’s largest lake, with the Adirondacks—the highest mountains in New York State—rising to the horizon on the far side. Free but donation requested.
Thursday-Monday YEAR ROUND (except Easter, Thanksgiving, and December 24-26), 10-4:30
Route 7A, Manchester
A stunning Georgian Revival mansion built by Robert Todd Lincoln, the only child of Abraham Lincoln to live to adulthood. In the broad terrace in front of the home, a tapestry of perennial beds is framed by an elaborate formal network of privet hedges. $23.
MARCH 7-9; Friday-Saturday, 10-6; Sunday, 10-4
2025 Vermont Flower Show
Champlain Valley Expo, Essex Junction
A 1-acre “grand garden display” features historic garden styles, including Medieval, Islamic, English Cottage, Tea House, and Victory. Plus 100 vendors, 35 seminars and workshops, entertainment, etc. Produced by the non-profit Vermont Nursery and Landscape Association. $28; $68 for 3 days.
Monday-Friday, APRIL-NOVEMBER, 8-4
University of Vermont Horticultural Farm
65 Green Mountain Road, South Burlington
Large collections of mature ornamental plants, including more than 15 species of rhododendrons and native azaleas, which bloom in late May/early June; more than 100 lilacs, including 46 different varieties, which bloom in May; rare conifers and other shrubs; plus large perennial beds. A free map identifies the collections, which include some of the largest specimens in Vermont. Free.
Tuesday-Sunday, MAY 11-OCTOBER 20, 10-5
Shelburne Museum
6000 Shelburne Road, Shelburne
22 small gardens, mostly perennials, plus many lilacs and mature trees decorate one of New England’s largest collections of historic buildings and other artifacts. 2-day admission: $25 from May 1 to October 31 ($15 for Vermont residents), $10 from November 1 to April 30.
www.shelburnemuseum.org/gardens-and-landscape; the “museum from above” video is a graceful aerial tour of the museum’s 45-acre campus.
Wednesday-Sunday, MID-MAY—MID-OCTOBER, 11-4
Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village
The lovely historic hamlet of Brownington is a collection of attractive early 19th-century buildings and a 25-by-50-foot garden of perennials and herbs popular in the 1800s. $10.
Daily, SPRING-FALL, 10-5
Cady’s Falls Botanical Garden
6637 Duhamel Road, Morrisville
For decades Cady’s Falls Nursery was distinguished by its extensive selection of home-grown trees, shrubs, and perennials, many of them rare, and by its lush, graceful naturalistic display gardens. Don and Lela Avery no longer sell plants, but their gardens remain open by donation.
Friday-Thursday, JUNE 13-19, 10-5
The Birchwood
3217 Hazen’s Notch Road, Montgomery Center
Landscape designer Robert Gillmore’s second major woodland garden is also Vermont’s newest public garden. The 7-acre landscape opens when nearly 700 of its more than 1,200 rhododendrons are in bloom. $7, to benefit the Friends of the Montgomery Library.